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Pink Kit S-Rosa-Piccola


Includes dog bed, dry pet food container, two bowls, a bowl mat and a toy for small and medium dogs



Snorefie S: 48 cm x 35 cm x h 10-20cm

Pappy S: diametro 8 cm

Mustafà: 44,8 x 30 x h 0,6 cm

AromaStories Fancy: 11 x h 13 cm


This kit includes dog bed Snorefie, food container Crock, two Pappy bowls, bowl mat Mustafà and one AromaStories!

Blue kit contains everything your stylish 4-legged friend needs!


It contains:

- 1 Snorefie S

- 1 Crock

- 2 Pappy S

- 1 Mustafà M

- 1 AromaStories - Nocetto

Includes dog bed, dry pet food container, two bowls, a bowl mat and a toy for small and medium dogs


Snorefie S: 48 cm x 35 cm x h 10-20cm

Pappy S: diametro 8 cm

Mustafà: 44,8 x 30 x h 0,6 cm

AromaStories Fancy: 11 x h 13 cm

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